Austin Conder: Associate Java Developer


“Hearing the industry partners talk and touring their businesses gave me a real hope and desire to pursue a career as a web developer.”

Austin Conder

"Have you ever felt like you didn't have a place to belong? That is where I have been my entire life. Due to my ADHD, I was never settled in school and had a difficult time learning. I was working a dead end job, barely making enough to pay rent. There's no way I would have been able to take the class without funding from WIOA. I signed up for the class not knowing what to expect. Having dabbled in coding before class, I was hopeful, but concerned that my ADHD would keep me from truly learning. I was wrong. The class structure was perfect for me! I achieved my dream a few months ago when I was accepted as a Java Developer for RSI."

Austin Conder, Associate Java Developer

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